The European Union: its origin and aims

The creation of the EU was a result of the the quest for peace after the destruction caused by the Second World War. Europe's economic and political foundations bad been almost destroyed by six years of fighting and the desire to prevent future wars encouraged cooperation between some European countries. To achieve these goals in 1957 six countries, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, West Germany, Italy and Luxemburg with the so-called Treaties of Rome, gathered for the first time, with in a single framework called the "European Union". Other countries joined little by little and so in 1987, with the Single European Act, 12 countries became part of a single market where they could exchange goods without long and expensive delays at the frontiers and people could move around to other countries more easily.
Finaliy in February 1992 the member states signed another treaty, the Maastricht Treaty. The member states decided to work together in a group called the "European Union" or "EU" with the aim of reinforcing their future cooperation and their political, economical and cultural links. Other importapt decisions were: introducing a single currency, improving the rights of EU citizens and working together to combat international crime, terrorism and drug-trafficking.
In 1997 the 15 member states met again to assert, with the American Treaty, the need to coordinate actions to promote employment and to bring Europe closer to its citizens.


One of the consequences of the Maastricht Treaty is Citizenship of Europe. It means that, as a member of the Community, you are entitled to certain rights and privileges. Firstly, EU citizens have the right to travel, work or Iive freely in any member State. An example of this is the opening up of the football transfer system. Secondly, you can also vote or stand as a candidate in that country. Thirdly, when you visit a country outside Europe you have the right to consular or diplomatie protection.
Did you know that the blue flag, with a circle of twelve yellow stars is the official symbol of the EU? The number of stars will always remain the same even when new countries join the EU.

How much do you know about the Euro?

The decision to create a single European currency was taken with the Treaty of Maaastricht (1992). The EU's Heads of State or Government decided to call it the "Euro" and to introduce it officially in people's everyday lives from 1 January 2002.
There are many advantages in the use of a siongle currency: rather than individual currencies, a single currency can help to create a stronger position at an international level, capable of competing with the US Dollar and the Japanese Yen. There are other benefits too: When you travel around the EU you don't have to keep changing money and paying the charges. With the EURO you are closer to all European people and so it will be easier for you, for example to follow a course of study in different member States of the Union. So the EURO helps us to feel like European citizens and not just Italian, Danish, Spanish, and so on …